A-protocol (3D); Point percolation

Associated article:  Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Sorbier L., Becker J.-M. and Fournel T. (2022). "Scalable morphological accessibility of complex microstructures", Computational Materials Science 203:111062


  • A-protocol framework based on a dynamical vision of accessibility, i.e., accessibility according to the particle's size

  • Enhancing any numerical descriptor by hindrance consideration

  • New vision of percolation: point percolation (Stochastic, i.e., random sampling, or Deterministic, i.e., imposed set) handling any complex microstructures

  • Point accessibility mixing constrictivity and stochastic point percolation

  • Resulting on a final critical radius, used in a novel definition of constrictivity factor


The steps defining the A-protocol; connected components labeling (A-1), percolation assessment (A-2), estimates and descriptors computation (A-3, not represented below), and morphological erosion (A-4), are applied iteratively to the microstructure. The iterative erosions using a unit sphere as structuring element, allow to consider a large interval of radii, representing the size of the hypothetic percolating particle (imposed radii can be used).
They are illustrated on a synthetic microstructure below, where (A-0) represents the microstructure at the beginning of an iteration.


  • binary microstructure
  • optional: microstructure skeleton


  • volume fraction,  number of connected components (CC) and percolating CC, number, volume and volume fraction of cavities values as a function of the radius (*.txt file) 
  • critical radius value (*.txt file)
  • Euler number values as a function of the radius (*.txt file)
  • optional: coordinates of each point (*.txt file)


  • type of sampling (Uniform, Stratified, Imposed) to defined the starting points set. Two scenarios:
If Stochastic version, random sampling as Uniform or Stratified, an additional parameter,
  1. number of random points N
If Deterministic version, Imposed starting points set, addtional parameters,
  1. '...': selection of the file containing the points coordinates; two options:
  • *.txt file
  • *.fda (image) file ('Expert' mode). If it is the case, check 'Image', giving access to two optional parameters, useful when particles (objects bigger than 1 voxel) are considered,
  1. 'Center of Mass': computation of the center of mass of each object
  2. 'Orth. Projection': orthogonal projection of each point on the microstructure
  • 'Skeleton' mode): has to be checked if the current data is the microstructure skeleton. Additional parameter,
  1. "...": selection of the microstructure
  • 'Coordinates' ('Expert' mode) : coordinates of each point used (point percolation) are saved in the *.txt file
  • 'Radii' ('Expert' mode) : to impose your own radii of the percolating particles. Additional parameter,
  1. "...": selection of the *.txt file containing the radii; one line, one radius (the radius equal to zero is considered by default)

A-protocol (3D); Directional percolation

Associated article:  Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Sorbier L., Becker J.-M. and Fournel T. (2022). "Scalable morphological accessibility of complex microstructures", Computational Materials Science 203:111062


  • A-protocol framework based on a dynamical vision of accessibility, i.e., accessibility according to the particle's size

  • Enhancing any numerical descriptor by hindrance consideration

  • Resulting on a final critical radius, used in a novel definition of constrictivity factor


The steps defining the A-protocol; connected components labeling (A-1), percolation assessment (A-2), estimates and descriptors computation (A-3, not represented below), and morphological erosion (A-4), are applied iteratively to the microstructure. The iterative erosions using a unit sphere as structuring element, allow to consider a large interval of radii, representing the size of the hypothetic percolating particle (imposed radii can be used) .
They are illustrated on a synthetic microstructure below, where (A-0) represents the microstructure at the beginning of an iteration.


  • binary microstructure
  • optional: microstructure skeleton


  • volume fraction,  number of connected components (CC) and percolating CC, number, volume and volume fraction of cavities values as a function of the radius (*.txt file) 
  • critical radius value (*.txt file)
  • Euler number values as a function of the radius (*.txt file)


  • percolation choice (directional, multi-directional or adirectional). Addtional parameter if directional percolation,
  1. the 'Direction' to imposed ('X', 'Y', or 'Z')
  • 'Skeleton' ('Expert' mode): has to be checked if the current data is the microstructure skeleton. Additional parameter,
  1. "...": selection of the microstructure
  • 'Radii' ('Expert' mode): to impose your own radii of the percolating particles. Additional parameter,
  1. "...": selection of the *.txt file containing the radii; one line, one radius (the radius equal to zero is considered by default)

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