List of Conferences (presenter underlined)
Oral presentations
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Larivière-Loiselle C., Haouat M., Crochetière M.-E., Belanger E., Marquet P. "Virtual polychromatic DHM: A supervised learning approach for denoising quantitative-phase images and revealing fine subcellular structures ", SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, United States, January 28-February 2 2023
- Nieto-Draghi C., Creton B., Martin X.,
Chaniot J. and
Moreaud M.
(2022). "A new class of descriptors for nanoporous materials and its applications to classification and CO2 gas adosrption into zeolites", The 27th Thermodynamics Conference, The University if Bath, Bath, UK, September 7-9 2022
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Sorbier L., Lévesque S.A., Bélanger É., Becker
J.-M., Fournel T., Jeulin D. and Marquet P. (2021). "M-tortuosity formalism;
from binary to functional characterization",
European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, St-Etienne, France, June 28-July 1 2021
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Sorbier L., Jeulin D., Becker J.-M. and Fournel T. (2019). "Extensions of the M-tortuosity formalism for heterogeneity assessment and grayscale images characterization", International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, Aarhus, Denmark, May 27-30 2019
- Moreaud M., Chaniot J., Fournel T., Becker J.-M. and Sorbier L. (2018). "Efficient Topological and Morphological Porous Microstructure Characterization", Matériaux conference, Strasbourg, France, November 19-23 2018
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Fournel T., Becker J.-M. and Sorbier L. (2018). "Tortuosimetric Descriptor for Complex Porous Media Characterization", Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry (S4G), Prague, Czech Republik, June 25-29 2018
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Fournel T., Becker J.-M. and Sorbier L. (2018). "From Tortuosity to Narrowness : Straightforward Porous Media Characterization", International Workshop on the physics and mechanics of random structures : from morphology to material properties, Île d’Oléron, France, June 17-22 2018
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Fournel T., Becker J.-M. and Sorbier L. (2017). "Generalized Tortuosity for 3D characterization of zeolithes", 12th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (ECSIA), Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 11-14 2017
- Nieto-Draghi C., Creton B., Martin X., Moreaud M. and Chaniot J. (2017). "New descriptors to characterize porous materials", 11th International Symposium on the Characterization of Porous Solids (COPS-XI), Avignon, France, May 14-17 2017
Poster presentations
- Chaniot J.,
Moreaud M., Larivière-Loiselle C., Haouat M., Crochetière M.-E., Belanger E., Marquet P. (2022). "Revealing fine neuronal processes without any staining by deep learning approach based on P-DHM", Frontiers in Neurophotonics, Quebec City, Canada, October 10-12 2022
- Moreaud M., Chaniot J., Fournel T., Becker J.-M. and Sorbier L. (2018). "Multi-scale stochastic morphological models for 3D complex microstructures", 17th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO), Quebec City, Canada, July 16-19 2018
- Chaniot J., Moreaud M., Fournel T. and Becker J.-M. (2017). "The reachable volume fraction in porous media in the vicinity of percolation threshold : a numerical approach used on multi-scale Boolean schemes", 16th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO), Interlaken, Switzerland, July 3-7 2017
- Chaniot J., Sciolla B., Delachartre P., Dambry T., Guibert B. (2016). "Vessel segmentation in high-frequency 2D/3D ultrasound images", IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Tours, France, September 18-21 2016